Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay Intellectual Property and Copyrights Issues in China

Intellectual Property and Copyrights Issues in China 1. Introduction China had made great improvement in deregulation and had complied with its obligations to follow rules and agreements such as Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) as a new member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) since 2001. TRIPS introduced intellectual property rules into the multilateral trading system. It ensures that computer programs will be protected as literary works under the Berne Convention and outlines how databases should be protected under copyright section. As the rush to riches continues to gain pace, peoples legal right to own private property is protected by a law. However, Intellectual property and†¦show more content†¦The derivative works are encouraged with the condition that derivatives must be designated as freeware. Most prominent offering is the GNU/Linux operating system. When the original copyright holder explicitly relinquishes all rights to the software it is classified as public domain software. All intellectual works and software are protected when they are committed to a medium. Therefore it must be marked as such to be public domain. 2) Whats the difference? Copyrights, patents, trademarks, etc They are treated differently because they use different types of creations. According to WTO definition, patents, industrial designs, integrated circuit designs, geographical indications and trademarks have to be registered in order to be protected by law. However, copyright and trade secrets are protected automatically according to specified conditions. There is no need to disclose and this is how copyrighted computer software is constructed. 2. Copyright Status China ranked second for software piracy after Vietnam in 2000 report from Business Software Alliance. US is reckoned to lose $1.12bn in 2000 through Chinese copyright abuse. Chinese authorities called for better implementations of Chinese copyright issues be implemented and they are trying to maintain control over its expending internet population, which more than quadrupled during 1999 to 8.9 million users according to Chinese officials.Show MoreRelatedChinese Foreign Trade Relations : Intellectual Property Enforcement Context1164 Words   |  5 PagesImproving Chinese Foreign Trade Relations: Intellectual Property Enforcement Context I. Introduction American businesses are losing up to an estimated $60 billion each year in the global market from intellectual property violations. The problem continues to grow as more American companies invest overseas, and more products consist of intangible or intellectual property. 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